Obtaining an Instructors Rating is a good investment in your time and money. It takes you to the next level of your career. Also, the most natural place for a Commercial Pilot to build hours towards the prestigious ATPL level is by becoming a Flight Instructor.
Course Duration
A full-time student should complete the course in about 6 months.
- The only requirement is a valid Commercial Pilot License.
Theoretical Training
Students are expected to pass the following subjects with at least 75% before they can qualify:
- Applied Meteorology & Navigation
- Principles of Flight & Legislation
Practical Training
- 20 hours of practical training of which 5 hours may be on a Simulator
- 30 hours of ground briefings
- Pass a practical skills test in lecturing and air exercises with a designated flight instructor
Our Graduates Fly For
First class flight academy since 2010
Call: +27 (11) 743-3012 | +27 74 520 5180
What’s your next course?
You can progress your flying career with us – we provide training in all the courses you need to move your career forward from PPL to ATPL phase.